Wherever you are on your journey, I trust we’ll meet in the HEART of your travels. Through my own personal experiences and journey on the spiritual and personal development path, I have been blessed with many gifts to access from my toolbox to help others along the way be it breathwork, heart re-alignment, Soul healing, channeling your own spirit guides, astrology, numerology, and grounding technics etc. Each person is unique and I feel that is my strength in accessing what you need. I am not a believer in a one size fits all “fix”. I can guide you to access your own toolbox with keys to unlock your unique blueprint and bring you into alignment. However, the process is a two-way street, I cannot fix anyone or anything if it doesn’t first want to be fixed or run on its own. I invite you to bring an open mind, body, and spirit as we open the heart. We have everything we need and the tools are already inside of us. Sometimes, we just need guidance in the right direction to unlock our greatest potential. It would be my greatest honor and life purpose to guide you into getting back on the road to a life full of joy and health while embracing the journey to your own self-healing and life’s glorious purpose.