Suzanne Ross has been a Spiritual Guide, Counselor and Healer for over 25 years. She has dedicated her life to enhancing the spiritual, mental, physical and emotional well-being of her clients, friends and followers through services, books, events, retreats and conscious media.
Suzanne will lead you into a swirling vortex and guide you into an immersive experience to elevate your mind, ignite your spirit and heal your body. You will engage in Sacred Ceremony to activate your energy field for the Deep Meditative Journey she will guide you into. With spiritual visualizations, she will connect you into the heart of Mother Gaia and tune you into the cosmic source. Your rainbow body of light will be activated as she clears and illuminates your energy centers spinning your 13 chakras and opening gateways to higher consciousness. As a Psychic Intuitive and Grid Worker, Suzanne has the ability to open stargates and activate portals between worlds and higher realms connecting with angels, ascended masters and divine deities that are in service to humanity. Your own angelic guides and divine masters will step forth to connect with you to offer special messages about your mission, purpose, health and well-being.
When you are reunited with higher dimensional soul aspects, you merge with their consciousness awakening innate gifts and bringing more of your brain and DNA online. When she reconnects you with your higher dimensional selves, synapses in your brain will start firing like never before as you download streams of advanced knowledge and wisdom. Dormant DNA strands will be ignited as your being is restored to its original blueprint of perfection.
As a wellness professional holding many certifications, Suzanne also offers private sessions that include spiritual counseling, psychic readings, intuitive healing, and accessing your Akashic Records.