Since times immemorial, we have been aware of the incredible effects that sound has on our mental, physical, and emotional states. This is evident from spiritual practices like mantra chanting and the use of specific musical instruments for healing, that have been around for thousands of years.
The ancients identified several frequencies that help boost the various aspects of our health. These sounds were a part and parcel of their lives, and their knowledge was passed on from one generation to the next.
One set of such frequencies is known as Solfeggio frequencies. These refer to a set of six main tones of sound that have been dated back to ancient Vedic-era India. These were heavily used in Sanskrit mantras and even in Gregorian chants.
The Science Behind Solfeggio Frequencies
The positive effects of Solfeggio frequencies on our minds and bodies are based on one simple fact. It is that everything in the universe is vibrating at a certain frequency. This includes the stars, planets, animals, and our physical, mental, emotional and energetic bodies.
External and internal factors can disrupt the natural frequencies of the atoms in our bodies. This can have adverse impacts and can lead to the degradation of our health. However, when the atoms are exposed to certain frequencies, they snap back into their natural state, which promotes self-healing. This is something that is experienced by billions of people unknowingly… When we hear happy music, we can’t help but feel happier and when we listen to sad music, we exude similar feelings. Fundamentally, all that is happening is that the frequencies in these songs are affecting the particles in our mind and body that give rise to corresponding behavior.
Solfeggio frequencies were specially designed to interact with and correct the disrupted frequencies of our DNA. They were carefully crafted to promote healing on all levels of human existence – physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual.

The Benefits of Solfeggio Frequencies
Solfeggio frequencies are composed of 6 main sounds and each one has its own benefits. To get a taste of the experience of listening to these frequencies, you can check out our YouTube video.
1) 396 Hz
This frequency works best against negative feelings like grief, guilt, fear, and anxieties. By stabilizing the root chakra, this frequency frees you from the negative thoughts and emotions that you might have been holding on to unconsciously. This allows you to achieve a higher vibrational state (such as joy), which, in turn, enables you to achieve your dreams and goals.
2) 417 Hz
This Solfeggio frequency is associated with the removal of negative energy inside you. These energies are often the remnants of past traumatic events and this frequency can undo them for good. Also, playing music infused with this frequency can neutralize negative energy at your home or office. Listening to it frequently can balance out the sacral chakra which opens up possibilities for positive change.
3) 528 Hz
This frequency is popularly known as the love frequency and also the miracle tone. It is said to bring about transformation and lead people to miracles. Even scientific studies have found that it has a reparative effect on the human body and mind. Apart from all this, being exposed to this frequency can balance the solar plexus chakra which can have its own set of benefits for a person.
4) 639 Hz
The 639 Hz frequency is quite special among the Solfeggio frequencies as it affects the heart chakra. In spirituality, the heart chakra has a special place as it is considered the union of our physical nature and spiritual nature. Thus, this frequency helps you in reestablishing your connection with your higher self. It also helps improve your relationships and form stronger bonds with the people around you.
5) 741 Hz
This frequency is all about finding solutions to problems. It enhances the intuition of the listener which allows them to find solutions much more easily. What’s more, this frequency helps detoxify your body of toxins and radiation, thus leading to a much purer state of being. Also, it balances the throat chakra and helps you express yourself more clearly.
6) 852 Hz
This frequency has been associated with realizing our spiritual nature. It helps balance the third eye chakra which is the second most mystical chakra in the body. As such, being exposed to this frequency can make you reverberate with spiritual energy and elevate you to a new level of consciousness.
To get exposure to these healing frequencies, you can download our Solfeggio Healing Frequencies track for free here. Each frequency alternates every 10 minutes starting from 396 Hz to 852 Hz. Listen to one specified time or to the whole track. You can use the music to accompany your meditation or listen subliminally while you sleep.
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