by Kim Sieb | Aug 10, 2020 | Personal Development/Self Growth, Self-Reflection
Assertiveness vs. aggressiveness: Aggressive behavior has negative consequences. Aggression has a negative impact on others. And while it can have positive consequences on the person acting aggressively, there are negative consequences, too.Others feel hostility...
by Kim Sieb | Jun 10, 2020 | Affirmations, Personal Development/Self Growth, Self-Reflection
Speak these affirmations to yourself: Having a clear conscience makes me feel light and frees me of any emotional burden. I am open about my feelings as a way of being fair to myself. Sharing how I feel about someone is good practice. It shows that I am sincere and...
by Silvia | Jan 4, 2020 | Personal Development/Self Growth, Self-Reflection
Do you apologize when someone steps on your foot? Do you tell your in-laws that you love surprise visits? If so, you may be conflict avoidant. While it’s natural to feel uncomfortable about clashing with others, your efforts to maintain harmony at any cost are...
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